April 2009

Help Save the Recreational Trails Program!

American Trails has put out an Action Alert to inform the trails community that action is needed to ensure the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is included in the authorization of the next multi-year surface transportation bill. The RTP has benefited every type of trail, every state, and virtually every community across the country. In North Carolina, the Highland Rail-Trail in Gastonia and the Dunn-Erwin trail have been recipients of RTP grants in recent years. American Trails has formed a Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT). The Coalition is looking for champions in Congress to support the Recreational Trails Program and to ensure it is included, along with increased funding, in the next authorization bill.

Atlantic Coast Line Rail-Trail

(Cumberland, Sampson, Pender & New Hanover Counties) NCRT Chair, John Morck presented Ali Turpen Director of Parks and Rec. a Purple Spike award for the county¹s and Roseboro announcement of planning a trail on the ACL in Roseboro. (picture of AL Capehart, David Alexander, Ali Turpen of Sampson County (holding purple railroad spike), John Morck at North Carolina Rail-Trails meeting, Roseboro, NC) In Pender County an organizational meeting of trail stakeholders on February 27th in Burgaw formed the West Pender Rail-Trail Alliance, Susan Bullers, Ph.D. chair. Ben Andrea, Pender County Planning, Secretary. Ben presented a very informative power point assessment of the entire corridor in Pender. On March 27th, 28th, & 29th national Rails-to-Trails Conservancy did a public informational sharing with adjacents and the public at Moore¹s Creek Battleground in Currie. Folks were notified by the county of the plans for a rail trail. Big landowners favored, small landowners didn't. New Hanover County has planned for the trail to be in the corridor with Hwy 421, and have experience with such a design.

Deep River Rail Trail

(Randolph County) Franklinville - Randolph County Steering Committee met February 11th, March 11th and April 1, 2009. The bids for excavating and surfacing the parking lot and trail were received and Poe Construction got the job. The local highway division will be contracted to do the railbed ditching with a motor grader. NCRT has drafted a Conservation Trail Easement for the Town of Franklinville and WalkSoftly LLC to transfer the railbed to the town for a public trail. NCRT submitted a $5K Adopt A Trail grant request to State Trails for funding the trail study and legal requirements for getting the trail through Luckenback's industrial site. Notification will be in September 2009. NCRT submitted a Z. Smith Reynolds grant for 35K/year for two years. The grant is under review and notification will be made in June 2009. Upcoming: June 6th 2009 National Trails Day will be the official celebration for the opening of the first section of the Deep River Rail-Trail in Franklinville, NC.

Coastal Carolina Rail-Trail and/or Washington-Greenville Greenway

<(Pitt and Beaufort Counties)
The committee met January 27th, February 23rd and March 24th 2009 in the Washington Parks and Recreation Conference Room. Dilys Bowman joined the committee to help with their W-GG Brochure and did a Backway Bicycle Map for a bicycle connection between Greenville¹s North Campus Crossing and Washington¹s Water Front WITHOUT having to be on Hwy 264. Lamarco Harrison, Greenville Parks Planner, joined the committee, has begun concept development of a greenway trail from North Side River Park to Campus Crossing and the W-GG in Pitt County. Upcoming: Next meeting is Saturday April 18th a 1pm in the conference room and in conjunction with CYCLE NC Spring Ride Events April 16th-19th based in Washington, NC where the committee and NCRT will distribute brochures and maps.

Dunn-Erwin Rail-Trail

(Harnett County)
NCRT suggested to Harnett to include the paving of the DET as a "Shovel Ready" project for stimulus funding. It was to have been the 2nd phase of the original Enhancements Grant of 2005 but was never funded. Earth Share of North Carolina and NCRT continue to negotiate with Harnett County's Administration, including their new manager Scott Sauer, to include ESNC in the County Employees Work Place Giving Program. For more information visit Earth Share North Carolina.

Upcoming: The Fourth Annual Prayer Walk is Saturday May 2nd, from the Methodist Church in Erwin to Central Baptist Church in Dunn. Handouts include prayers and guided meditations for the 5 mile walk. Shuttles will return prayer walkers to Erwin. Being on a rail-trail can be heavenly.