April 2010
Chatham Section of American Tobacco Trail -- Grand Opening
Chatham County and the City of Cary will hold a Grand Opening of the 4.7 mile Chatham section on Saturday June 5th from 10 to noon at the Pittard Sears Road access. (The rain date and time is Sunday, June 6th from 2 to 4.) The event will be held along the trail south of Pittard Sears towards the Panther Creek bridge. Parking will be along Pittard Sears Road and in a nearby development being constructed on the west side of the trail at this intersection. All trail users are invited. The event will include refreshments and remarks by TRTC and local and State staff who worked to make this section happen. AL Capehart of NCRT, who has long advocated for the ATT and was instrumental in getting support for the 1992 Master Plan, will also participate. Information tables/booths by groups are encouraged. For further information please contact Cary's Festival Coordinator Joy Ennis.
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West Pender Rail Trail Alliance Seeks Non-Profit Status
Members of the West Pender Rail Trail Alliance (WPRTA) are continuing their efforts to organize for long-term advocacy and active support for a rail-trail on the old Atlantic Coast Line corridor from Wilmington to the Moore's Creek Battleground area in Pender County. The Alliance is continuing to work with Pender County Tourism and Travel and have made contact with a substantial number of property owners to assess their attitudes towards creation of a rail-trail. During January and February Pender County surveyed County residents and held a series of 6 public meetings to collect public input for a Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Master Plan. WPRTA members were able to offer passioned support for the proposed rail-trail at these meetings. At the group's early April meeting a decision was reached to seek IRS designation as a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3). Once designated, this will allow all donations to the group to be tax deductible. At present, the Alliance has limited resources but is seeking donations to allow them to continue their advocacy efforts with County governments and local citizens and to help pay for gaining this designation. Donations to WPRTA to help pay for these efforts should be mailed to:
Don Eggert, WPRTA Treasurer
Cape Fear COG
1480 Harbor Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28401
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Active Community Transportation Bill Introduced in Congress
On March 2, 2010, U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.) introduced H.R. 4722, the "Active Community Transportation Act of 2010" (ACT Act). If enacted, the ACT Act would create a $2 billion program to fund dozens of communities around the country to improve their trail, walking and biking networks. The ACT Act would establish a competitive active transportation investment fund to invest in walking and bicycling improvements in targeted communities around the country. These resources would enable communities to build interconnected systems—allowing people to travel between the places they work, live, play, learn and shop without needing car. Successful proposals will be those making the best case for resources to shift large numbers of trips from driving to walking and bicycling. While not specifically focused on rail-trails, funds from this Act could support the linkage of greenways and rail-trails. For more on this Bill, please see article on the RTC site.
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