August 2011

Volunteers Perform Clean-Up of Libba-Cotten Trail in Carrboro

Staff from the NC Institute of Public Health adopted the Libba-Cotten Trail about 3 years ago and invite workers to join the clean-up 3-4 times per year. On August 15th they held a workday to sweep and otherwise clean up the trail. The dozen or so participants did a fine job and received thanks and "right-ons" from numerous trail users. Here are pictures of the volunteers, picking up trash, sweeping and generally enjoying themselves.

Durham Plans to Push Forward with Bridge for American Tobacco Trail--Updated 8/16 & 8/30

Durham has received and reviewed the bids for completing the ATT in Durham County. The lowest bid totaled some $7.7 million, ~2million more than cost estimates and funding currently available for the project. The City Manager and top staff are examining options to allow the bridge over I-40 and trail sections connecting the bridge to be contracted for soon with the balance to be done in a later phase starting in 2012. Additional funding from Durham may be obtained from dollars currently budgeted for sidewalks and greenways. Other funding from non-highway projects requested by the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO will also be explored. Coordination of such arrangements with NC DOT will be needed as well as approval by the City Council. An award date for the contract has not been estimated but could occur by October. For more background on this long running project please see Jim Wise's article in the News & Observer and a Durham Herald-Sun article on August 6th.

Since August 6th, NC DOT has decided that Durham must rebid the project. We understand that the construction drawings will have to be broken out into two documents (for each phase), and each will have to be approved by NCDOT again before bidding can start. Tentatively one phase/project will be the bridge itself as well as the trail from NC54 to Renaissance (the approaches), and the other phase/project would be the rest of the trail. This breakout is tentative and may change as the construction drawings are revised. For more on these more recent events please see this August 10th Herald-Sun article and a short piece from the the N & O's Bullseye Blog. Further status info can be found on the City's page on the American Tobacco Trail Project.

Late August News on Possible Re-Programming of Sidewalk and Other Durham Funding

In late August, Durham City staff announced pending efforts to shift ~$3.8 Million from four Durham sidewalk projects to the Phase E project for the ATT. This shift must be approved by the Durham-Chapel Hill/Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization as well as Durham's City Council. Further detail on this proposal can be found in a August 22 article in the Herald-Sun. On August 28th a member of a key advisory board says Durham officials need to look harder at why the bids for an extension of the American Tobacco Trail came in about 38 percent higher than expected. Please see the August 28th Herald-Sun article for more on this issue.

Fundraiser for Elkin Valley Trails Association -- August 8th

The EVTA will be the beneficiary of a night of Jump Blues at Harry's Place in downton Elkin. Shows will start at 6:30 and 8:30pm. Come and go as you please all night. Admission: $10 (Suggested Donation to Elkin Valley Trails Association) Kids with parents Free! Hamburgers, Shrimp and Cold Beverages available for purchase!  The Association's first major project is to create a hiking/biking trail which follows the route of the former Elkin and Alleghany Railroad from Downtown Elkin to the City Reservoir and then to points north to Stone Mountain where it will connect with the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. This will become a primary route of the NC Mountains-to-Sea Trail, a state linear park and the premier hiking trail of North Carolina. Elkin will be one of the few towns that the MTS Trail passes through and this segment will come right down Main Street!

Please contact the Association to donate your time, money and energy to make  trails and greenways a reality in the Elkin Valley region. Bill Blackley, serves as the Coordinator of the Elkin Valley Trails Association. He can be reached by mail, phone or Email as follows:

Mailing Address: 105 Knollwood Drive Elkin, NC 28621

Phone: 336.835.4630
