October 2011
Past Board Member Receives Award for Volunteer Efforts
NCRT awarded Dilys Bowman a nicely finished Chrome Spike plaque at our Annual Meeting on October 8th. Over the past two years Dilys has visited almost all of the rail-trails on our Trails and Projects page to record GPS data and compile information on the end points, parking facilities, trail surfaces and notable views and landmarks. From this data Dilys has prepared maps posted on our site and information we have used to improve many of our trail descriptions. In addition, Dilys has compiled numerous photos which we are using on the site. President Emeritus AL Capehart, Dilys and John Morck, Board Chair of NCRT
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Public Meetings on Draft Plan for A & Y Greenway
A draft plan has been developed for the Atlantic and Yadkin Greenway through a feasibility study of the corridor. The draft plan is the joint efforts of the Town of Summerfield, the Town of Stokesdale, Guilford County and the Greensboro urban area MPO. The proposed trail follows the historic A & Y railroad route from southern Summerfield to Stokesdale. The trail will eventually be incorporated into the North Carolina Mountains-to-Sea Trail that stretches nearly 1000 miles from Clingmans Dome in the Great Smoky Mountains to Jockey’s Ridge on the Outer Banks. Once constructed, the A&Y greenway will celebrate the natural heritage of the area, connect important destinations, and provide trail surfaces for a variety of recreational opportunities. This multi-use trail is anticipated to be used by walkers, joggers, bicyclists, horseback riders, and rollerbladers as they enjoy the diverse rural, suburban and urban landscapes in this beautiful area. Two public meetings are scheduled to allow members of the public to provide comments on the plan: October 20th, 4-7pm at the Summerfield Athletic Park Field House -- 5200 US 220 Highway North AND October 27th, 4-7pm at the Stokesdale Town Hall -- 8325 Angel Pardue Hall. For info on the the A & Y Greenway already open within Greensboro, please see the Triad Section on our Trails page.
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Deep River Rail-Trail Acquires Land
On October 4th, 2011 the Town of Ramseur voted to acquire a 20' wide corridor along the river which will allow the Deep River Rail-Trail to be extended by 1165'. Funding to support this acquisition came from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund. Long-term visions for the trail sees it as connecting small towns and communities, allowing citizens a place to walk, ride bicycles, jog or just enjoy a family outing. Ramseur and Franklinton have been pursuing grant monies and conducting workdays for several years to make the trail a reality. The first phase of the trail extends from Brooklyn Avenue to U.S. 64 East, a distance of ~1.25 miles. Please see our Map and Directions for the trail to learn more on access.
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North Carolina Rail-Trails is a proud member of Earth Share of North Carolina. Look for us in your workplace giving campaign.