Work Continuing to Establish a Rail-Trail to Connect Two Campuses in Belmont

The idea for a greenway along a corridor of the Piedmont & Northern is back. The proposal has not only been resurrected, it actually has some funding, at least for design and engineering. Adrian Miller, Belmont's assistant city manager reports the city recently got a $30,000 grant from the Carolina Thread Trail. In February 2011, the council will appoint a steering committee that will include property owners along the 1.4-mile stretch of the old P and N track running from Woodlawn Avenue north of Interstate 85 to downtown. Meanwhile, the city has applied for a $300,000 grant from the N.C. Department of Transportation for the project. If approved, the city would have to put up $60,000. To read more see a January 16 article from the Charlotte Observer. For earlier background please see our May 10, 2010 News item.