National Trails Day

National Trails Day® is a celebration of trails that evolved from the report of President Ronald Reagan's President's Commission on Americans Outdoors. In 1987, the report recommended that all Americans be able to go out their front doors and within fifteen minutes, be on trails that wind through their cities or towns and bring them back without retracing steps. The recommendation, dubbed Trails for All Americans, became the impetus behind several public and private parties joining American Hiking Society in launching National Trails Day® in 1993.

Trails do not just magically appear for our enjoyment; it takes many hours of planning, labor, and negotiating to develop them. National Trails Day®, the only nationwide celebration of trails, increases awareness about trails and celebrates the hard work and support of many people and partners -- including volunteers, land agencies, and outdoor minded businesses. It is also a day to introduce people to the many joys and benefits of trails.  To continue reading about National Trails Day visit