Elkin & Alleghany Rail-Trail Making Great Progress
Over the past year the Elkin Valley Trail Association (EVTA) has held a number of fund raising and trail work day events. EVTA has gained many supporters and has pulled together funding for a footbridge to span Elkin Creek north of downtown Elkin. This will constitute a key part of Phase 1 for this rail-trail. Current plans call for this footbridge to be in place by the end of 2013. Phase 2 of this trail will extend past the Elkin Reservoir, connect with mountain bike loops near the Reservoir and finally connect with trails in Wilkes County that will ultimately connect with trails at Stone Mountain State Park. A late August article in the Elkin Tribune describes some recent activities on this trail. They have even written a book about the trail corridor. For more on the EVTA and upcoming events please see their website.
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