Update on Hendersonville-Brevard Area Trails
Ecusta Corridor Initiative: The Friends group promoting the Ecusta Trail (Hendersonville to Brevard) continues to meet. It has been incorporated as a NC non-profit corp. Federal 501(c)(3) tax deductible status may be sought soon. Norfolk-Southern RR still has not decided whether to file for abandonment. A major employer was recently looking at a site in Transylvania County which would require rail service. This possibility slowed rail banking considerations. However, it was just revealed that that employer decided to locate to another state. The Friends group has developed a petition to allow interested citizens to show their support for establishment of a rail-trail on this corridor.
Brevard Bike Path: A bridge and substantial length of boardwalk and a viaduct are being completed in the extension of the Brevard Bike Path into the Pisgah National Forest. Most of that extension will be on the rail bed of the lumber rail corridor built by the long dismantled Carr Lumber Company. The extended trail will connect to the Art Loeb Trail which in turn becomes part of the NC Mountains to the Sea Trail.
Gallimore Road Project: A bid was accepted in late '09 by the City of Brevard for the construction of the Gallimore Road project. That project is a wide multi-use trail connecting the high school, a boys and girls club and an elementary school. NCRT assisted in obtaining the NCDOT Safe Routes to School grant which provides much of the funding for the project. The bidding came in much lower than expected. It appears that the present economic slowdown is a good time to get construction projects done cheaply.
For inquiries on these please contact: Mike Domonkos
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