Washington-Greenville Greenway news

At the Washington-Greenville Greenway committee meeting in February, it was reported that the W-G Greenway is now on the state's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) list of projects (a necessary first step before funding is allocated, which make take several years). The project, including links to the town of Chocowinity, is listed in the NCDOT Strategic Prioritization Results (Non-Highway) as TIP #EB-4703, but does not yet have a ranking. Meanwhile the city of Washington has submitted a Bicycle Planning Grant request to NCDOT's Bike-Ped division. Students from ECU's Geography department have created a map of the trail routing possibilities at both the Washington and Greenville ends. Bianca Gentile has been asked to compose content for a W-GG web page on the City of Washington's website, to be linked also to the town of Chocowinity's and to Beaufort County's website The next meeting of the W-G Greenway committee is Tuesday, March 16th, at 3:30 p.m. in the Washington Parks and Recreation office. All are welcome.