Henderson County Authorizes Impact Study of Proposed Rail Trail

The Henderson County Board of Commissioners has shown real vision in calling for an economic impact study of creating a trail on the unused rail line between Hendersonville and Brevard. In an editorial in Blue Ridge Now.com , the Editors make a strong case for the economic and community benefits of a long regional trail and for Federal railbanking of this 18.5 mile "Ecusta" corridor so that it can be preserved for future use as a trail or could be returned to future to use as a rail corridor if needed. “We believe that the development of a trail like this would be an important investment in the future of our region, and will provide numerous benefits for our residents and visitors,” said Chris Burns, treasurer of the group, and a past president of the Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce. “The Friends of Ecusta Trail will also focus on other opportunities to connect our communities, and recently participated in a work day to help complete the Estatoe Trail in Pisgah Forest, which connects Brevard’s hike/bike path to the Art Loeb Trail.” More detailed information about the project, as well as information about how community supporters can be more involved can be found on the group's new web site. A September 29th article from Blue Ridge Now.com tells more about the site and current efforts. The opening of the 5.5 mile Estatoe Trail on October 15th is reported in an October 16th article in Blue Ridge Now.com. Earlier information on the trail and the Friends Group can be found in our  July 2010 and May 2009 News Archives.