Federal Fund Recissions Point to Large Cuts In Transportation Enhancement Funds in North Carolina
In August the Rails to Trails Conservancy reported on an intended move by the Federal government to rescind (i.e. pull back and not spend) the use of some $2.2 billion of unspent transportation funds. They now report that these recissions are in fact happening. In North Carolina it appears that the State has proposed a disproportionately large reduction to funds associated with Transportation Enhancement (TE). While TE funds represented about 2.4% of North Carolina's total transportation allocation, the State has proposed cutting TE funds some 31.7% as part of their recission. TE funds are the nation’s largest funding source for trails, both walking and bicycling and have been used for rail corridor preservation and numerous rail-trail projects over the years. If you believe these cuts to North Carolina's TE program are not what you want our State to carry out, please feel free to contact Governor Perdue and Transportation Secretary Gene Conti. Some suggestions on what you might want to say are contained in a recent RTC Alert .
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