Special Awards Presented at Annual Meeting of NC Rail-Trails

Two former Board members of NC Rail-Trails were presented with Carolyn R. Townsend Award plaques for their long term volunteer efforts over many years. These awards were supported by a special gift from George Smart of Durham, a long time member of NCRT. The first recipient was: Carolyn (CR) Townsend, who served as the group's Chair for 18 years until January 2009. Smart presented the second Carolyn R. Townsend Volunteer Award to Jean  Middleton of Durham in recognition for years of service on the Board of Directors and as Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer. Jean continues as NCRT's  Membership Chairman. As a trails supporter since 1987, Smart remarked that he wanted to somehow recognize and reward these long term volunteers for their generosity and dedication over many years. View these images of CR  and Jean  with Mr. Smart